A Virtuous Veggie Cuisine
Were you that person who just so happened to make a wellness appointment with your doctor’s office and all of a sudden after your appointment was finished, the end result was either become vegan or else?

At that moment you found yourself nervous, scared stiff, anxious or irritated. Then you started asking yourself questions out loud like, “AM I EVER GOING TO EAT A PIECE OF MEAT OR CONSUME DAIRY AGAIN?”
Or are you that person that once verbalized nonchalantly to others, “I would be vegan if I didn’t have to give up cheese” or “I like cheese too much or I would be vegan if I knew how to cook vegan food?” Have you ever found yourself asking where the vegan friendly spots are or wondered “If I go out to eat, will I be able to eat?” Will I get full, will the food be nasty? Well panic no more; I am here to tell you that all of your vegan prayers are answered!
Check this Out!
You have someone who was once in the same and at times can still be in the same boat as you. Rest assured, we are in this vegan journey together! I used to be that person saying, “I love cheese too much to be vegan” or “I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY LOOOOOVVVEEE Hershey’s, Crazy Vanilla ice cream too much to give up”. Oh come on guys, this vegan lifestyle is a journey. I don’t think anyone got everything right on the first go round, don’t be so hard on yourself, start slow and let’s do this. In order to jump on this vegan journey you need to have a made up mind. In order to do that, the trick is to figure out what you like, how you can substitute the foods that you love, and also make something you like.
I have been on this journey for about a year and a half and I LOVE to cook. I have been testing the waters out with this vegan ordeal and I THINK I have it down to a tee. In order to achieve this you need something called consistency added to your regimen, and then if you are consistent those in your house hold will be to.
The Secret
I know you’re asking T what is your secret? Well I am glad you asked, “Substituting this for that” is my key secret ingredient. Go ahead ask me the other big question. Where do you go grocery shopping?
People, people, it’s really not that complicated. Almost EVERY store in the DMV caters to all of your vegan needs. Famous stores such as Target, Food Lion, Giants, Whole foods, Trader Joes, My Organic Market (Mom’s) and even Wal-Mart now carries vegetarian and vegan substitute meat options.
I know, I know, you cannot wait to ask me this question, “Isn’t being vegan EXPENSIVE?” I know some of you are asking, because you have a large family or your single on a budget and you want to take the vegan route but do not think you can produce the coins to go this route. I say “HECK NO!” Listen, are beans expensive or cheap?
Pep up your step and add a little creativity to the menu. The great thing about lentils or any type of bean is that they cook quickly. Oh and lets highlight the cost. The cost for a bag of dry lentils is a little over a $1.50 for 16 ounces.