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Mask in Style

Style Guide

The purpose of this style guideline is to achieve consistency in prose style and usage so that readers can become absorbed in the content and avoid being distracted by curiosities in form. 


Authors and editors likewise will have an easier task when they compose and revise by the same set of rules. Our guidelines are not laws etched in stone, but . rules of usage to strike a balance between custom, clarity, and principle.


In general, DMVNXS employees/contractors, editors, proofreaders, and influencers should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. (2010).


Exceptions and frequently recurring expressions are noted in this guide.


The logo is an integral part of the DMVNXS brand and should be used thoughtfully and consistently. 


Most often the logo will be presented as displayed below, but can also be adapted for use in various color combinations with the brand's name, "DMVNXS" in all capital letters.

DMVNXS Logo Red Stars Black Text.png


  • The letter “D” stands for the District of Columbia.

  • The letter “M” stands for the state of Maryland.

  • The letter “V” stands for the state of Virginia.

  • The letters “NXS” stand for an excessive amount culture and lifestyle. 

  • Together the name “DMVNXS” stands for an excessive amount of culture and lifestyle within the Washington Metropolitan area.


  • The black color in the DMVNXS logo represents dominance, supremacy and elegance, commonly target youth and a high-end audience. 

  • The red color stands for the memorable experience of a passionate, healthy, exciting lifestyle of the our cosmopolitan readers.

  • The white color represents purity of our content and goodwill as an intangible asset for the community.


The three red stars above the brand's name, "DMVNXS" two red bars on a white background. The letter “M” embraces an outline of the state of Maryland’s flag while, and circle represents the great seal for Commonwealth of Virginia.


Business Objectives


  1. Grow the Brand: Find new customers thru brand education so the Washington Metropolitan area will know about our business, unique gifts, resources. 

  2. Turn Customers into Advocates: Boost traffic to our marketplace with ads and exclusive content about our products and unique services. 

  3. Drive Leads and Sales: Drive the sales of our products through redeemable offers, quality resources and valuable discounts that save money during their shopping pursuits. 

  4. Improve Customer Retention: Increase local awareness about our charity and community work. 


Social Media Goals
  1. Awareness: These metrics illuminate our current and potential audience

  2. Engagement: These metrics show how audiences are interacting with our content

  3. Conversions: These metrics demonstrate the effectiveness of our social engagement

  4. Consumer: These metrics reflect how active customers think and feel about our brand


  1. Followers, shares, etc.

  2. Comments, likes, @mentions, etc.

  3. Website clicks, email signups, etc.

  4. Testimonials, social media sentiment, etc.



Bern Sans CT-Regular









Headings: Heading 2 and Oswald Medium

Body: Paragraph 2 DIN Next Light


Headings: Heading 3

Body: Paragraph

Voice & Tone




Happy Shopper

Our DMVNXS Family is an urban multicultural audience, that is digitally/socially connected with the latest trends, while improving upon the lifestyle they aspire to. These people are passionate about investing not only within themselves, but also within the community to which they live. And not only are they currently making the decisions that will shape their purchases and choices, they are active in influencing the choices of others within their community circle on everything from autos to health to food and every other area of life that matters to our viewers, especially finding quality resources, while saving money in their shopping pursuits.

Our Consumers

Urban multicultural audience, ages 21-65.

Our Sellers

Privately owned businesses that have been in business for 3+ years, have a website and physical location in the Washington Metropolitan area. ​

Our Audiences

Social Media Accounts

  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Branded Hashtags


  • Twitter: No more than one hashtag per tweet.

  • Facebook: No hashtags.

  • Instagram: No more than two hashtags in the body of the post. Up to 15 hashtags in the first comment on the post.

  • LinkedIn: No more than one hashtag per update.

  • Pinterest: Up to five hashtags.

 #washingtondc #dc #usa #love #dmv #washington #travel #photography #instagood #fashion #art #igdc #acreativedc #beautiful #picoftheday #mydccool #music #america #style #summer #washingtonmonument #dogsofinstagram #motivation #fitness #artist #tbt #repost #instagram #streetphotography #baltimore #maryland #dmv #love #photography #music #artist #art #bmore #hiphop #fashion #mybmore #instagood #dc #repost #photooftheday #rap #model #fitness #beautiful #travel #baltimorecity #style #newmusic #baltimorehairstylist  #maryland #love #dmv #photography #instagood #art #fashion #photooftheday #music #beauty #summer #beautiful #motivation #hiphop #picoftheday #fitness #repost #dc #nature #instagram #happy #artist #photographer #makeup #washingtondc #cute #model #rap #photoshoot  #dmv #silverspring #maryland #dmonly #silverspringmd #dc #dmifinterested #love #fashion #art #fitness #washingtondc #seriousdmsonly #photography #motivation #newwave #wshh #clothingline #dmvstyle #loudpacksupply #est2017 #dmvradio #loudpackradio #dmvclothing #checkitout #acreativedc #worldstar #orderyours  #annapolis #maryland #travel #visitannapolis #annapolismd #sunset #visitmaryland #md #art #rva #richmond #vcu #virginia #richmondva #tbh #art #instagood  #alexandria #alexandriava #virginia


Arts & Culture

#DontMuteDC#gogo #dance #music #party #dancer #nightlife #dmv #dc #lit #club #jersey #gentlemensclub #dancers #nj #va #events #repost #dancing #instagood #summer #turnup #washingtondc #ny #md #model #girls #latenight #gogomusic

Beauty & Fashion

#Dmvhairstylist #Dmvhair #Dmvbarber

#Dmvnailtech #Dmvbraids #Dmvmakeupartist #Dmvlashes #Dmvstylist 

Health & Fitness

#fitness #gym #workout #fitnessmotivation #motivation #fit #bodybuilding #love #training #health #lifestyle #instagood #fitfam #healthylifestyle #sport #instagram #healthy #like #follow #gymlife #life #bhfyp #crossfit #personaltrainer #happy #goals #fashion #exercise #muscle #bhfyp #photography #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #weightloss #photooftheday #model #yoga #fitnessgirl #wellness #beauty #fitnessjourney #instafit #fitspo #beautiful #cardio #nutrition #strong #style #o #running #picoftheday #smile #mindset #selflove #fitnessaddict #strength #positivevibes #happiness #success #loveyourself

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